It Enhanced Their Sexual Relationship Having Me be a Part of It

17 03 2008

jimmcgiveittomeWakka chicka wakka chicka wakka chicka wah

Theodore Pedersen, Former Governor McGreevy’s aide (sexually and politically) revealed that he had sexual relations not only with the governor, but his girlfriend and former wife, Dina Matos. They had “Friday Night Specials” from 1999-2001 which included dinner at T.G.I. Friday’s (who have great Jack Daniel’s Samplers, so fucking delicious) and ended with a threesome at McGreevey’s condo (get a real home!). There is some honor in Pedersen’s testimony, he wanted to tell the truth and make sure Dina doesn’t get the big “payday.” Love it. The story has honor, betrayal, sex, politics, love, and lust – everything I look for in a movie (oops! I mean porno, my bad, LOLtastic).

and here’s some quotations:

“I had heard the rumors in circles outside of work,” he said. “In hindsight, there might have been light interest (in me), but it didn’t seem like he was gay. It did enhance their sexual relationship having me be a part of it.”

“The more we spend time with each other, the more we begin to trust each other with non-professional things,” he said. “That relationship starts to progress, to transform into subtle hints, flirts.”

Then, Pedersen said, “Friday night specials developed into Saturday mornings.”

“The sex was good,” Matos McGreevey wrote.


Ode to Spitzer

17 03 2008

atleastheisntthemcgreeveysI was gonna go all “Perez Hilton” on his photo, but I decided in favor of a little class. very little class.

Top 5 Reasons Dropping $80,000 for a Hooker is Bad for the Environment

1. Extra Travel
2. Hotels
3. Conspicuous Consumption
4. The Money
5. Political Backlash


Ashley Alexandra Dupre’s Myspace (with her own music!)


Prostitution in a Wired World

“Not only can prostitutes and escort services now run more efficient businesses, but they can leverage word-of-mouth advertising in new ways to build their brands and troll for clients.”

Prostitution: A User’s Manual

This article goes through all those nagging prostitution questions like “what is prostitution?”; “do prostitutions have a comparative and/or absolute advantage is blowjobs?”; “why do prostitutes rake in so much dough?”; “how can I become a prostitute?”; and “where can I find prostitutes?”


Ashley Alexandra Dupre Cashes In

This article makes me wish I was Spitzer’s woman. I want to be in Playboy!


WikiLeaks Update: “I Took an Oath to Uphold the Constitution.”

1 03 2008

notnoobasaurWikiLeaks is back up and running after federal judge Jeffrey White a week after ordering the Dynadot, it’s US hosting company, to shut down the site. WikiLeaks publishes thousands of leaked documents was shut down for alleged stolen documents. Thousands of internet users by-passed the block to directly connect to the IP address.

Defendant’s argument: American courts have no authority to order WikiLeaks to remove published material — a term of art known as “prior restraint.”

Plaintiff’s argument: “wanted nothing more” than for WikiLeaks to take down the documents in question. “That’s been the point of the bank all along,” he said. He added that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not afford the right to publish private banking information.

Judge: I’m paraphrasing here: Fuck d00d, courts can’t decide this shit. we don’t wanna be blamed for a unconstitutional act. wtf. wtf!? Put that shit back up, yo!

“When this genie gets out of the bottle, it’s out for all purposes,” U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White said after a more than 3-hour-long hearing here. Earlier, White said he had “an obligation to get it right” and that “I took an oath to uphold the Constitution.”


Damn Bitch, You Just Got Obama’d!

1 03 2008

obama’dObama: “I just want to take a moment to respond to an ad that Senator Clinton is apparently running today that asks, ‘Who do you want answering the phone in the White House when it’s 3am and something has happened in the world?’ We’ve seen these ads before. They’re the kind that play on peoples’ fears to scare up votes. Well it won’t work this time. Because the question is not about picking up the phone. The question is – what kind of judgment will you make when you answer? We’ve had a red phone moment. It was the decision to invade Iraq. And Senator Clinton gave the wrong answer. George Bush gave the wrong answer. John McCain gave the wrong answer.

But I stood up and said that a war in Iraq would cost us thousands of lives and billions of dollars. I said that it would distract us from the real threat we face – and that we should take the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan. That’s the judgment I made on the most important foreign policy decision of our generation, and that’s the kind of judgment I’ll show when I answer that phone in the White House as President of the United States – the judgment to keep us safe, to go after our real enemies, and to provide the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States with the equipment they need when we do send them into battle, and the respect and care they have earned when they come home. And I’ll never see the threat of terrorism as a way to scare up votes, because it’s a threat that should rally this country around our common enemies. That’s the judgment we need at 3am. And that’s the judgment that I am running for President to provide.”

Please. She Needs Your Help.

29 02 2008

shibaniShibani is a 15 year-old girl in India. Her father only brings in 21 US dollars a month. She lives with her brother Joydeb, 14 and sister Bani, 7. Her favorite pastime is jumping rope and she is great at drawing. All 5 family members live in one multi-use room with walls and floors made of mud, and a roof made of corrugated metal. The home is heated with a coal stove. The sleep on the floor with a mat. Although water is not miles away, it is shared with the whole community Electricity is available, but not affordable. Their sanitary facility is an open field.
Please, I’m looking for donations to send to her each month. With being at college and my income level being lower, I need your help. Each month I send 22 dollars to Children International to help Shibani go to school, have clothes and get adequate medical care. She needs your help. I hate to sound like a broken record, but you really can help. Even one dollar will help me get her closer to the comfort we all enjoy.

Obama Stopped Smoking Fags

29 02 2008

obamasmokesfagsSorry, we’re in America? oops, I forget sometimes. Stopped smoking bitches…I mean, cigarettes. ‘cuz please, Obama be smoking bitches left and right in his new musical “Barackula.” Anyways, get some balls and quit cold turkey. you’re only supporting those wealthy bastards by chewing Nicorette.

“I’ve been chewing on this Nicorette, which tastes like you’re chewing on ground pepper _ but it does help,” the Democratic candidate said in an interview that aired Thursday on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” His wife, Michelle, had used his smoking as leverage when the two were discussing whether he should run for president. She would agree only if Obama agreed to give up smoking.


Thank You (Insert Slash) Eff You

26 02 2008

I’m trying a new thing. It’s a “cheers and jeers”-like thing. enjoy it.

Thank You
25 (of 100) Iowa House of Representatives have opted to go paperless. The House Journal, the daily record of the chamber’s proceedings can be read online. Saving $30,000 a year and saving the environment, that’s why I say, Thank You, Iowa House of Representatives.

Eff You
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, is contemplating raising parking meters from one dollar to two whole dollars. That’s a 100% increase! Councilman Paul Kuhns says it willl help pay for parking machines that accept credit cards. Fuck That. and Fuck you, Rehoboth Beach.

Thank You
Last year the North Dakota Legislature set aside money to pay for medical exams for women who have been sexually assaulted. Lawmakers makde it illegal for victims to be billed directly or through their health insurance coverage, ensuring privacy and encouraging reporting. Thank You Bismarck, North Dakota Lawmakers. Especially those who passed it. Which happens to be 91 Lawmakers. of 91. that’s 100%. Thank You, North Dakota.

Eff You
Michael Van Boening, 23, made bail for his fourth DUI in five weeks. A York County sheriff’s spokeswoman says Van Boening has yet to be prosecuted on other charges filed since January 20. Fuck You, Michael Van Boening. Fuck Grand Island Court Systems.

Thank You
Thank You Thon Participants at the Pennsylvania State University. Students raised $6.6 million dollars for pediatric cancer research and care. Thank You, Pennsylvania State University. You Rock.

Facts Via USA Today: LINK

What Worries Me is, What Happens if the Jury is Wrong?

26 02 2008

 Court Considers Protecting Drug Makers From Lawsuits
New York Times: LINK justicefish

If you can’t sue drug makers, can you sue the government or FDA for approving it? or does the warning label merit a risk? who reads warning labels anyways? I do. I don’t want to die, so you should too.

WASHINGTON — Less than a week after issuing a sweeping ruling that bars most lawsuits against medical device makers, the Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in the first of two cases that could determine whether drug makers receive similar protection.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer said the fundamental question in the cases was who should make the decisions that will determine whether a drug is “on balance, going to save people or, on balance, going to hurt people?”

“An expert agency on the one hand or 12 people pulled randomly for a jury role who see before them only the people whom the drug hurt and don’t see those who need the drug to cure them?” Justice Breyer asked.

Normally a member of the court’s liberal wing, Justice Breyer came down squarely on the industry’s side when he answered his own question, saying Congress left the role of policing the medicine market exclusively to the Food and Drug Administration.

“What worries me is, what happens if the jury is wrong?” he said.

If the justice’s view prevails, most lawsuits against drug makers, thousands of which have been filed in recent years and settled in some cases for billions of dollars, would be barred. But the Supreme Court is likely to wait until next year to answer Justice Breyer’s question completely.

That is because the question before the court Monday in Warner-Lambert v. Kent was in part restricted to the effects of a Michigan statute that bars personal injury suits against drug makers unless injured patients can show that the company deliberately withheld information from the F.D.A. that would have led the government to block the medicine from being sold.

The case was brought by 27 Michigan plaintiffs who claim they were injured as a result of taking a Warner-Lambert diabetes pill, Rezulin, which has since been withdrawn from the market. The plaintiffs claim the company withheld from the F.D.A. evidence of Rezulin’s dangers to the liver that would have led the agency to deny an approval.

But in a 2001 case involving the Buckman Company, the Supreme Court held that plaintiffs cannot sue based upon claims that a manufacturer defrauded the F.D.A…

Freedom from Speech

26 02 2008

Thomas: No Questions in 2 Years
Associated Press: LINK 

WASHINGTON — Two years and 144 cases have passed since Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas last spoke up at oral arguments. It is a period of unbroken silence that contrasts with the rest of the court’s unceasing inquiries.

Hardly a case goes by, including two appeals that were argued Monday, without eight justices peppering lawyers with questions. Oral arguments offer justices the chance to resolve nagging doubts about a case, probe its weaknesses or make a point to their colleagues.

Left, right and center, the justices ask and they ask and they ask. Sometimes they debate each other, leaving the lawyer at the podium helpless to jump in. “I think you’re handling these questions very well,” Chief Justice John Roberts quipped to a lawyer recently in the midst of one such exchange.

Leaning back in his leather chair, often looking up at the ceiling, Thomas takes it all in, but he never joins in.

Monday was no different. Thomas said nothing.

He occasionally leans to his right to share a comment or a laugh with Justice Stephen Breyer. Less often, he talks to Justice Anthony Kennedy, to his immediate left.

Thomas, characteristically, declined to comment for this article. But in the course of his publicity tour for his autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son,” the 59-year-old justice discussed his reticence on the bench on several occasions.

The questions may be helpful to the others, Thomas said, but not to him.

“One thing I’ve demonstrated often in 16 years is you can do this job without asking a single question,” he told an adoring crowd at the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group.

The book tour showed that the topic comes up even among friendly audiences.

Indeed, Thomas’ comment was provoked by this question: Why do your colleagues ask so many questions?

His response: “I did not plant that question. That’s a fine question. When you figure out the answer, you let me know,” he said…