Shaven / Caffeine / CiCi’s

9 12 2008

I shaved yesterday with a disposible razor. it was rough as I had, at it’s longest, 3 inches of beard to cut. I was going to wait until this weekend to trim it, but I need a clean face soon to apply for and interview for jobs. Applying to: AT&T sales, Kmart Customer Service, Dental Hygeinist Assistant somewhere’s in Chalfont. I’ll have some work via Manhattan Bagel and Meyle Inc.

When I get caffeinated 2 things happen, I’m either happy or sad. As I was well caffeinated in GEOG, I began to miss PSU and became very nervous about what will happen once I’m home. and I have to get Christmas gifts. oh no. but I did start to think about where I want to be in a couple years. I’d like to own a business. a little shop of some sort. and I want to move out because I value independence. If I get a decent job this coming semester I hope to accumulate enough capital to move out by summer or fall. Wish me luck. and if you have any advice, feel free to comment.

I’m going to CiCi’s for dinner with Ben and a few others.

and I want to give Nick names to my best friends. or something of that nature. but maybe that’s just the caffeine talking.