Steppin’ in 3-D, Holla Back Young’n

1 03 2008

“Disney will proceed with a third installment of its hit dance franchise ‘Step Up,’ tentatively titled ‘Step Up 3-D.’ Pic will become the latest 3-D live-action film from the Mouse House, with ‘Step Up 2 the Streets’ director Jon Chu in talks to reprise.”


Let’s hope the Disney can build off the success of the “Step Up” franchise. Actually, it’s made $22,125,429 on it’s opening weekend. but who would see this? kids 12-15 because they are lame. and adults 80-dead. I’m sorry, but they would see this if they are senile and don’t know any better. (also sorry if you’re 80+ and can still read) but who’s the competition? witless protection? vantage point? fool’s good? all classics in due time, so I guess Step Up 2 the streets will be up there too with the Godfather (in hell). so anyway, watch this review of witless protection:

My Name is Jorma, Mothafucka!

29 02 2008

Love this show. Watched it about once a day for a month. this one episode. I have issues. Issues by Korn. Love that album. it’s their only album I can listen to without laughing.  if you’re looking for a laugh, listen to “All in the Family” Comment below, please. 

Bathtub-Accident-Prone Neighbor Gets TV Show

29 02 2008

clevelandbrownSources are working on a Family Guy Spin-off. Tentatively Titled “Cleveland”, it revolves around 1 of the only black people working in television today.

Fox has several cartoons in the works, including an animated version of its 2003 short-lived live-action comedy “The Pitts,” from “Simpsons” veteran Mike Scully; “Relative Insanity,” executive produced by Jack Black; and “Mothballs,” from “Drawn Together” creators Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser. LINK

Let’s see what these shows are about…Brbrbrbrbrb. LOLOLOLOLZ


The Pitts: Mediocrity Rules – The tag line for the show was: “The family with the worst luck in the world have zany adventures.” that’s so wacky. ha. zany! funny! no.

Relative Insanity – executive producer is Jack Black, should get some laughs. but nothing as funny as his intro to “Awesometown

“Mothballs revolves around the Westings, a dysfunctional family who own and operate a nursing, wherein they also reside.  The series begins with the family’s uptight patriarch and nursing home owner being forced to accommodate his vivacious but estranged father in his tightly run facility.”  Yeah. that’s what we need, more shows about dysfunctional families. wow. innovators? yes.  LINK

The First Rule of Fight Club is…

29 02 2008

Fight Club Musical in the Works fightclubmusicalisforchumps

Interested? Trent Reznor might do the music. More interested? Know people who want to start a fight club? someone with multiple personality disorder? People who just plain like to fuck each others faces up? yes, me too. Wanna join a real fight club? Meet other fighters online. because the first rule of fight club is…you talk about fight club online in hopes to me other fighters so you can fight sometime, and maybe make a youtube video about it and get it snagged off the internet and then you’re like “fuck man, that’s so lame, isn’t this a free country? last time I checked this was a free country. hahaha. Country. Cunt. hahahaha. tree. damn, I’m hungry. no wait, horny” and then you realize Youtube isn’t just an American corporation, it’s an international corporations with it’s operations all over the world and then you’re like, “fuck, this is a run-on sentence if I ever seen one. I mean, If I ever sawed one. Sorry, I’m an English buff, I know hows words works.”

The Musical: LINK

Fight Club Online: LINK