Aced a Test, cuz I’m a genius pimp

2 10 2007

I pimp out knowledge, fuckers.
sorry for the bad language, I shouldn’t say pimp….

American Political Systems Test – cranked that out in 30 minutes, only problem with about 3 questions. 51 points avaiable out of 50! Let’s go Alex, you can get an A!

News? nothing much – Putin gonna run for parliament (and win). Supreme Court opened session with a bunch of refusals to take cases. Stupid bitch complaining about how democrats are terrorists (I’m assuming it’s the political party, not those who believe in Democracy). and Ecuadoran leader hopes to change the constitution after his party got a super majority in congress.
I’m doing more current events than I did in Klein-o’s class. hahaha.
Also, a restaurant is financing trips to Africa and teaching young African-American’s about their heritage. “What would Harriet Tubman say about you going around wearing a thong and letting people call you a bitch?”